A good leader, a true leader, whether in a corporation, an small or medium enterprise or at the Government, must have a dream. A dream so strong that he or she follows the dream. But we are not talking about the dreams one have at night when sleeping. There is one similarity to that dreams and the dreams we meant here. In both case we are a bit or very far away from the existent reality. Yes indeed, the dream of a leader will be something new, something different, something exciting. Without a dream, one is a follower it maybe a fantastic follower but only and administrator of what someone else dreamt last week, last year or last century. But together with that similarity between leaders dreams and bedtime dreams, there is a huge difference. The leaders dream can become real, can happen.
Dreams become real if a leader can excel at two things:
First is to believe in oneself. It is not easy to lead successfully and turn dreams into reality because it requires full dedication during many years, maybe a lifetime. Neither is easy to reject an easier life. And the gasoline that propels you in the pursuing of your dreams, especially when you drive upwards the slope is no other than self-belief. A true leader believe in him or herself
Second is no matter how strong is your self- belief, you cannot do things alone. One of the most important strengths, if not the most important, of a leader is to engage a team. Recruit, nurture, retain them and make them grow. Without a team a leader won´t make its dream come true and, besides, if a leader look behind and nobody is following is not a leader because by definition a leader leads people, your people, your most precious help