A good leader must have the stature and the communication skills to engage with the government and, respecting the national interest, make them take the best possible decisions for the shareholders interests. An outstanding leader will be able to do more. He or she will build a team of peers and competitors, united by common challenges, to become a respected voice in their talks, formal or informal, with the government.
Why is this so important? Because normally politicians and civil servants are unaware or lack knowledge of the needs and challenges of the private sector. And, ultimately, it is in their best interest that the private sector succeeds, because this will increase tax revenue, create employment and, as a consequence, grow the nation’s wealth and welfare.
There is a fine line tough that cannot be crossed. It is a red line. One thing is to lobby and another thing is to incentivize, to bribe. Corruption is one of the main reasons why many countries lay behind and do not prosper. Besides being a crime, bribery create wealth for the company that bribes and for the corrupted officer but misery for the rest of the citizens. This is unacceptable, especially for a leader, a chosen one, a person called to be a role model.
So, do lobby, lead lobbyists, but never corrupt anybody and never corrupt yourself.